Harmen Mander | Online Reputation Management

 Harmen Mander | Online reputation management is a relatively a new industry. This has been brought to the forefront of professionals. Due to the overwhelming and unpredictable nature of both amateur user-generated content and professional journalistic content, the visitors are provided with a lot of opportunities. The visitors have to fill out the account registration process that includes email address, geographical location, date of birth and name. This is how the online reputation management called the ORM monitors the online content and spreads the information to the visitors. Many of the contents were user created and user generated.

Harmen Mander
Harmen Mander

Harmen Mander | The journalism contents are sponsored by traditional media and news giants. In many cases, these contents were sponsored by reviews, blogs and specialized websites that dealt with the particular subject. The ORM was formed to mange the consumer generated media. As, the consumer generated media (CGM) grew with the rise of user based online content and the social media, it started to affect the search results, more and more. Hence, managing these results became an important criterion.

eBay was the first company to harness the power of CGM’s feedback. By providing feedbacks about the buyers and sellers, the reputations of the clients were known to the customers, who purchased the products. This helped them to decide on their purchase.

Harmen Mander | There are some review websites that had been abused. Some users practiced fraud and filed many false complaints against various businesses. They got people to post false experience that they had with other companies, although, such an incident had never happened. This is how; they ruined the people’s reputations and the company’s reputation.


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