Harmen Mander | Market Your Website on the Video Sharing Sites
Harmen Mander | The increasing popularity of the video sharing sites makes them perfect for searching of all kind of video material and an ideal platform to market your own websites, products, or services. With the latest statistics indicating that the biggest video sharing site, YouTube, is now getting more than a billion views per day, there is little surprise that these sites have been noticed by many marketers. However, marketing on them is not as simple and as easy as some webmasters think since with the large number of visitors results in an overwhelming number of uploaded videos as well. In order to have your own video notice, you will have to follow a few simple rules:

1. Content is still and has always been the king, so make sure that your video is of interest to many. Slapping your website URL across a two-minute video with a black background and annoying music, is not going to do you or your company any good.
2. Choose a good description: even if you have an excellent video that either solves a common problem or is definitely something that would interest many viewers, you still have to write a catchy description. Using a few simple keyword tools will point you in the right directions and help you choose a good title.
3. The first few seconds of your video should hold the viewers’ attention – always have in mind that you are competing for the viewer’s attention with thousands of other videos. Start with a few words that clearly state what your video is all about, drop a few controversial lines if you have to, or use some catchy video effect in order to ensure that your viewers will keep watching.
4. Do not make a straight sales pitch, but rather explain what your product or service does and how it can benefit your potential customers.
5. Jump start your video views – after you have taken the time to create a great video, do not miss the chance to show it to as many people as possible. Place a link to your video in your forum signatures, promote it on the various Web 2.0 sites, and add it to your email signature as well.
6. Submit your video to all the top video sharing sites. YouTube is definitely the biggest and the best known, but there are many other video sharing sites, which have the power to send good amount of traffic to your own website or sales page. Depending on the amount of time you wish to spend on your video marketing, you can compile a list of the top 10 or the top 20 of them, according to the daily traffic that they receive, and then upload your clip to each one.
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